Monday, 13 January 2014

Baby Photography Fun :)

Have you ever heard of cake smashing!!?  ... I was introduced to the fun idea by my friend and cake designer extraordinaire Donna Hill. The theme involved a yummy cake, a baby and a shower curtain!! It was great! We made a make shift studio in the childrens playroom and Donna made one of her wonderful cakes which, as you can see by Joseph's face below, went down a treat! 

                                                                    Nom Nom Nom!

 Before the cake smashing, I took some cute portraits, again using the make shift home studio.  The background presented in the original RAW files came out too creased for my liking, but this wasn't a bad thing because it gave me the opportunity to play around with some post editing techniques using Photoshop. I was pleased with the results, especially managing to 'iron' out the background to give the images a more 'professional' look.  Here are a couple of our faves ...

                                                                 Teddy Bears Pic-Nic         

                                                                 Like Father, Like Son!